Contact AOE

Ready to take your kids’ education to the next level and make it more comprehensive?!  Then it’s time to connect with AOE and join our academy aka pods or individualized learning.  Reach out via email, phone, or find us on Facebook and Instagram.  We look forward to hearing from you. 

Phone: 862.571.4116

Email: [email protected] 

We are grateful for Mr. Krause

”We are grateful that we found out about Mr. Krause’s classes. My son gained many lifelong, crucial skills - both regarding self-defense, self- confidence, respect, discipline, and to use his motto: “How to be a Ninja of Life”. Mr. Krause is a living example of a Ninja of Life and it is a pleasure to know him and learn from him.”- Mrs. V. (L.A.)

He taught me valuable lessons

“My son thoroughly enjoyed attending Eliyahu Krause’s krav maga kids program.
He taught them valuable lessons as well as giving them great skills. He was able to combine different ages and have them all engaged. My son came home happy every day. I would highly recommend this program!”- Mushkie .S. (L.A.)

We value his influencer on our children

Eliyahu (Eli) Krause is one of those rare individuals who is multi-talented, offering proficiency in areas including education, martial arts, music, art, writing --- a true “Modern Renaissance Man”. As a father of four and psychologist, both my wife and I greatly appreciate and value his influences on our children. His authenticity and excitement for and appreciation of life are contagious, leaving our kids (my wife and I included) inspired. We truly feel blessed to have Eli not only in our lives but especially in the lives of our children. Thank you Eli!!!!!- Simcha R. (L.A.)

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(862) 571-4116