Gardening Camp

Because growing stuff is fun.
Reserve my spot

A garden is a grand teacher.  It teaches patience and careful watchfulness and reminds us all that all things take time.


Gardening is a great way to teach kids about responsibility. They learn that they have to take care of their plants each day in order for them to become healthy.


Gardening provides students with a real-time look at how things grow. Understanding nature supports health and wellness & encourages kids to choose nutritious foods.


Kids are used to immediate gratification and because gardening is often a slow process kids learn to be patient when waiting for their plants to grow.

What your day will be like. 

You will learn the basics of gardening which include a little bit of science and a lot of fun and enjoy planting which you can then take home.  

What to bring

We’ll provide all of the supplies you’ll need so the only thing you should bring is a positive attitude and a snack.  Dress causal and wear something you aren’t worried about getting dirty. 

What you’ll take

Other than a new found love for gardening and growing stuff, you’ll be able to take your freshly potted plant home with you and show it off to your family.

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