AOE: Academy Of Enrichment

Where Kids Flourish & Bloom.

Online Live Courses

Choose from a variety of valuable topics (Martial arts theory & practice, fitness & Progression, music etc) and learn through engaging instructional videos.

Books & Readings

Go on an adventure to a world where you learn about life and attain valuable lessons in a fun and entertaining way.   Learn to be a ninja of life. 

Programs & Camps

Book week long or day classes at your home or at a predetermined and safe location or schedule virtual one on one live enrichment sessions.

Our vision

Now more than ever, kids need an entertaining and engaging way to have fun in a safe environment. All this, while learning how to grow independently and enrich their lives. After a day at school, kids have been sitting passively and filling their free time with aimless content and media that enforces a lifestyle counter-productive to attaining an enriched life. Academy Of Enrichment (AOE) gives them the opportunity to find entertainment that is interactive and educational.

Now more than ever, parents are faced with a tough choice: On one hand, they want their children to play outside more, but on the other hand, they don’t necessarily have the time or supervision to allow outdoor play. In many cases, the parents opt for the most convenient “babysitter”-the “screen”. This is our reality, unfortunately! The Academy Of Enrichment allows for “screen-time” & “play time” to be “enrichment-time” & “skill-building time.”  Kids learn through entertaining, engaging and creative activities while they make new like minded friends and prepare for real-life issues.  Our focus at A O E is empowering our youth to be more independent, confident and true leaders.

A note from our founder…

Our youth is brighter than ever!  We must upgrade our educational system to better serve them.  The creative ways in which we deliver important knowledge to our kids, needs to be reevaluated.  As an educator myself, I joined the many other incredible teachers around the world to add to traditional education.  At AOE our youth has the opportunity to learn the basics of life in engaging, fun and challenging ways.  We offer lessons on leadership, maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle, inspirations with music and much more.  We have a long way to go before our entire system is updated to meet the needs of our bright youth.  Until then, parents can supplement their kids’ existing required education with additional activities.  Whether it’s fitness, theology, self defense, music, dance or leadership skills, you can choose which additional learning activities are going to be best for your child.  We will make sure that they not only learn, but that they enjoy the process and make some new friends who are likeminded and share similar community values.   Nothing is more important than our youth, which is why my team and I have dedicated ourselves to creating programs, courses, books and more, in a way that is fresh, creative and more aligned with what kids need in today’s world.


A special thank you to everyone who has contributed to the development of AOE.  And to the amazing parents out there, I’m new to the digital world so thank you for supporting me as I navigate this new way of educating.  I look forward to meeting and working with you to support the enrichment of your kids’ lives.

Self Defense

Learn the secrets to protecting yourself from bullies and how to project self-confidence as a way to achieving a successful life-style.


Hands on music lessons according to the Orff method done in a fun and engaging way. 

Rhythm & Dance

Based on the principles of Capoeira and percussion, come and learn about beats, rhythm and dance in a fun and interactive way.

Life Lessons

Learn practical tools that will enhance your child’s life in an adventurous and entertaining way.  


Kids learn Theology based on the old testament in a new and fun way that they will enjoy. 

Military Fitness

Push yourself in a safe and supported way, with the purpose of encouraging self-growth and determination.

Favorite Quotes

“Don’t let school interfere with your education”- Mark Twain

“A balanced life is a healthy and happy life”-AOE

“A man’s mind, stretched by new ideas, may never return to its original dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe


Empowering Youth

The 4 pillars of maintaining a “moving forward” mentality.



Doing what is necessary even when you’re not in the mood.

Be Proactive

Be Proactive

Looking ahead and taking action before the issue arises.



Treating yourself and others in the appropriate way.



Be what you want to see. Lead by example.

Book A Private Lesson With Eliyahu Krause

Want a more personalized experience for you or your kids?  You can book a private lesson and host it at your home or meet at a predetermined location depending on the specific class you choose.  We can also do a combination of classes in a day for your kids, or for the entire family.  We offer private options for most of our day camps but they must be booked at least one week in advance.